You can find all the information you need about the transaction costs and charges in your employer’s section of the documents library. Otherwise, you can find details on the costs and charges on your annual benefit statement.
The combination of administration charge, investment charge and additional fund expenses is referred to as the Total Expense Ratio, or TER.
The costs and charges incurred as a result of the buying, selling, lending or borrowing of investments.
These costs can vary over time, depending on the level of activity the manager undertakes. For example, our passive managers have lower charges because they essentially do less work to manage the fund. Actively managed funds charge more because they do more work. You’ll find more information in our value for money assessment in the Chair's statement.
You can find fund factsheets for the individual funds by going to the Scheme Information area of your online account. You can also ask us for more information on your actual investments and others available to you by contacting the SEI Master Trust Administration team on 0800 011 3540 or by email at Alternatively, you can write to them at PO Box 555, Darlington, DL1 9YT.
If you want to do more research into the individual funds you can ask us for the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the fund or funds. This is a unique reference number for each individual investment funds. Using this number you can get information such as the fund’s aims and past performance.